Adult Health Audio Selections
Reducing Sugar
Intake & Addiction
"In the
practice of Interactive Self-Hypnosis, we alter our internal world. By
utilizing our imagination in special ways, we stir feelings, altering behavior &
attitudes. When you change how you think, visualize & imagine things to
be, your feelings & behaviors begin to change."......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
It is also responsible for diminishing concentration & memory thereby interfering with the cognitive abilities of the individual. This audio is designed to assist the listener in assessing his/her level of sugar addiction & to work with re-editing all files related to this problem. Specific imagery is presented to diminish the desire for sugar-laden products & High Level Nutrition is introduced & enhanced through original Interactive Self-Hypnotic Imagery Techniques.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Losing Weight Hypnotically
"Imagery, or the
thoughts you play in your mind are everything. they are the crux of how
you experience your body, your environment, your relationship to yourself & what
you are capable of achieving."....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Here is your opportunity to take full
control of your weight management program. Healthy weight loss includes knowing what to
eat to burn fat & how your personal & family medical history effects fat
burning. This audio program assists you in managing your sugar & carbohydrate
intake, as well as building tools for managing compulsive & emotional
eating. Program yourself to set goals, persist & develop
self-discipline. Remember, when your body physiology is not in balance & you are
not eating to burn fat, this can lead to many serious diseases, as well as
impacting on your cognitive & creative abilities.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Reducing Carbohydrate Cravings
"Interactive self-hypnosis
is a health tool, perfect for changing lifestyle behaviors, managing addiction,
disorderly eating, bringing any & all performance to the highest
levels."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Research over the past 30
years has shown that high carbohydrate intake, especially sugars & refined
high glycemic carbohydrates, often lead to an unhealthy body fat percentage &
the breakdown of the lean body mass, your ultimate fat-burning machine.
This imbalance also leads to
the killer diseases including adult onset diabetes, heart & circulatory
disease. It is also responsible for diminishing concentration
& memory thereby interfering with the cognitive abilities of the individual.
This audio is designed to assist you in assessing your level of carbohydrate loading & to work with re-editing all subconscious mind files, emotions & behaviors related to this problem including medical reasons for change, emotional & compulsive eating patterns & self-motivation. Specific imagery is presented to diminish the desire for unhealthy, refined high glycemic foods & beverages. High Level Nutrition is introduced & enhanced through original Interactive Self-Hypnotic Imagery Techniques.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
Managing Emotional & Compulsive Eating
"In the practice of
Interactive Self-Hypnosis or imaginology, you see with your mind's eye.
This is very different than seeing with normal sight. Sometimes people
report that they can't see images & become discouraged working hypnotically.
This is simply a matter of mis-understanding how mind & body tools work & what
to expect. Each & every person reading my words in this very moment is
working with imaginology."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht.
This program allows the listener to become aware of particular emotions involved in emotional eating behaviors and provides tools & techniques for diminishing these emotional states, as well as enhancing "skillful" or power states to assist in goal achievement. This audio also provides assessment tools for evaluating the nutritional state of the listener. Often times, when this is out of balance, emotional eating can & will increase. The answer is nutritional balance & emotional management.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
- Download NOW - 2 Sessions $19.95
"As you learn to relax, to
let go & ask for the appropriate resources from your inner bank vault or
subconscious mind, you can change with a new level of comfort. When you
are tense, the subconscious mind cannot get your attention & so you cannot share
the bounty you have available waiting for you.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez,
RN, C.Ht
Many simply don't like managing food/eating issues & so come to pay the price for this disorder. This program brings this potentially dangerous problem home to center stage in the subconscious mind, thereby motivating the disorderly individual into positive & relatively effortless action.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Managing Bulimia
"We learn to program our subconscious mind for success,
thereby undoing the failure programs. Your subconscious librarian will begin to
make you aware of any unproductive emotional states & their corresponding
behaviors, so you can change them right in the moment. It's like being on
a bus going towards your goal, when all of a sudden you realize that you are on
the wrong bus. Of course you are going to want to change, right then &
there.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This program includes suggestions for high level nutrition, as well as managing high glycemic or sugar foods that are often involved in binge behaviors. Images for managing emotions & thoughts as they relate to eating issues are presented, as well as images for future-pacing positive lifestyle change behavior.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
Coming Soon mp3 - Immediate Download - $19.95
"When you are
disordered on the outside, your inner landscape is also disordered. Get
ready to see & experience things differently. it's time to become great at
advanced life lessons."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2 Sessions $19.95
"In a strange
paradox, the release of high stress states actually opens the subconscious
library door, readying the mind for new programming. Your creative power
is right where you want it. Each & every time you wake up to an aspect of
your disorderly eating, addiction or other stressor, you can choose to release
it & then place your new desired program into action."........Elizabeth Bohorquez,
RN, C.Ht
Listeners develop lifestyle changes utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis suggestion that assist them in being in charge of the amount of chocolate they have decided to eat, as well as when & where they will eat this, thereby re-editing some of the eating disorder mind programs that may be especially bothersome. The audio also covers stress management, emotional & thought management in relation to eating issues in general.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
"Your subconscious
mind loves inner organization. To oblige, you will be building some
working metaphors or inner structure that will encompass your entire life.
This will make it easy for you to build multiple goals in different areas of
your life, as well as to manage your inner emotional children that either help
or hinder you as you walk towards your goals of healthy
eating."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
People over-eat for many reasons. Some are physiological & some are emotional. Portion control is of major importance in managing high levels of health & performance. This audio program helps the listener assess his/her eating behaviors & encourages the decrease of intake when appropriate. This audio brings to awareness the reasons for over-eating & provides tools & techniques for diminishing unhealthy behaviors. This program is not designed to decrease intake in a person who is under-eating, or looking to starve themselves for unhealthy weight management.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
"Keys for
managing disorderly & addictive eating include paying attention to details,
examining moments in transition, designing & building new disciplines, as well
as mind motivations. As you learn to relax deeply & pay attention to the
many aspects of the food connection, you will automatically move in the
direction of change."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
motivated is key in achieving any goal, be in short or long term. No one
would argue that the idea of losing weight & maintaining the healthy weight
could be considered a difficult, if not impossible goal. However, we do
have a powerful assistant, ready to walk us through this journey, opening the
mind to new knowledge & motivators.
Our subconscious mind holds many keys to assist us in the powerful mind-state of motivation. On this audio program, listeners learn how to access their inner subconscious mind library & the files that assist them to continue on their journey to a healthy goal weight & body fat percentage. In addition, they will be addressing other aspects of their self-development, including self-image & self-esteem issues that may have been underlying triggers for unhealthy eating in the past.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
"Just knowing something is
not enough. The world is filled with people who know things, but don't
act. Knowledge must be contained & then organized into a plan of action.
Then one must step into the action. This is where you inner mind screen
comes into play. As you relax deeply & view yourself experiencing &
feeling change, your own mind will set up your own motivators."........Elizabeth
Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Motivation for Losing a Large Amount of Weight
Going the distance necessary to achieve a
large weight loss often takes a year or maybe more of continuous lifestyle
change behaviors. This program is designed to plant new behaviors
necessary for long term weight loss & management, as well as placing
powerful motivations, techniques for emotional & thought management &
joining the weight loss journey with other positive goals on the path of life.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation for short & long term goal achievement, & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Managing Night Eating
"Knowledge & deep understanding are keys to success. You
will come to understand why you binge or have your other problems. You
will be able to put down your fear in a self-hypnosis containment & be done with
it. As you bring your problems to the light, you will see them clearly &
the fog will lift. You will come to understand that managing your problems
is not a curse, but a gift."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Reasons & or stressors related to this behavior are uncovered & tools are presented for managing the problems. Deep & restful sleep is encouraged through additional subconscious programming. Daily lifestyle behaviors are reviewed with an eye towards positive change.
This audio includes deep relaxation, suggestions for healthy deep sleep states, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
"In school you began
with ABC & in this work you begin with basics as well. These become your
welcome touchstones. This is where you will return if you fall off course.
Here you will learn about food groups & what your body cell managers need to run
the cells of your body. Every cell in your body is an expert at what it
does. As you come to understand this rather child-like story, you will be
able to see clearly what you must do & you will want to do
it.".........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Sound nutrition includes eating sufficient protein for the lean body mass, a balance of healthy fats, lower-glycemic & high glycemic carbohydrates, as well as healthy beverages. The audio presents mind & body tools for making positive changes including Interactive Self-Hypnosis, Awareness Meditative Tools & Imagery for High Level Health & Performance.
This audio is designed to assist the listener in increasing their food & beverage intake to healthy levels. The program is focused on assessing nutritional intake, managing emotions & thoughts associated with intake management & providing the listener with affirmations & positive images for achieving these goals.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
Practicing High Level Nutrition
"Pinpointing your
current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course.
Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the
chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it.
Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of
your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your
balance?"........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
American diet leaves much to be desired, & while many would choose to change their
dietary habits, they find it difficult to be persistent. This audio program presents
the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little
effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher
level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire
to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels,
as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
"As you learn to relax, to
let go & ask for the appropriate resources from your inner bank vault or
subconscious mind, you can change with a new level of comfort. When you
are tense, the subconscious mind cannot get your attention & so you cannot share
the bounty you have available waiting for you.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez,
RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed to bring all food addictions out of hiding & to assist the listener to care for all aspects of them, including the reasons why they exist. The listener will learn to relax deeply, to face the issues & to open them, because the answers that are needed are located inside the problem. This is the power of Interactive Self-Hypnosis & High Level Awareness.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
"Most teens have had
little to no practice in working with their inner of subconscious mind, so they
are not familiar with the power they have residing within themselves. They
also tend to be blind to the needs of their body systems & this can lead to all
sorts of problems, from eating disorders to the development of chronic disease.
It's important for teens to understand how to maintain a healthy body fat
percentage & lean body mass & how to handle their stressors & emotions without
turning to food or other addictions.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
learn to program our subconscious mind for success, thereby undoing the failure
programs. Your subconscious librarian will begin to make you aware of any
unproductive emotional states & their corresponding behaviors, so you can change
them right in the moment. It's like being on a bus going towards your
goal, when all of a sudden you realize that you are on the wrong bus. Of
course you are going to want to change, right then & there.".......Elizabeth
Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The suggestions on this program will be a wake up call & include suggestions for high level nutrition, as well as managing high glycemic or sugar foods that are often involved in binge behaviors. Images for managing emotions & thoughts as they relate to eating issues are presented, as well as images for future-pacing positive lifestyle change behavior.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
Coming Soon - mp3 - $19.95
"Pinpointing your
current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course.
Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the
chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it.
Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of
your body departments as being bank accounts. What would it be like
to be free of dieting, even the thought of dieting?........Elizabeth Bohorquez,
RN, C.Ht
It is true that the American diet leaves much to be desired, but it is very possible to learn to eat in a healthy way by choosing foods & patterns that cause the body to burn fat & build lean body mass. This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
Your Authentic Self -
Mind-Editing Belief Systems
"Just imagine
how much power you have given to your emotions over the years Y& still tend to
give! think about today. Can you locate any moment or group of
moments forming a remembered experience when your "emotional children" were in
charge & not your mature, authentic self? Sit back & view this happening
on your subconscious mind screen. How would you rate this
production?.....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Few of us know our true or
authentic self. We tend to hide behind a false ego, pretending to be
someone we are not. Perhaps we are aware of being an imposter, but do not
know how to get free or perhaps are frightened of "coming out." Often
times we learn to believe the "mask", thereby missing the true enjoyment of being
This program is designed to free the listener of the imposter mask, to become aware of where the masks originated & to enjoy this level of self-discovery. Images for healing are presented in Interactive Self-Hypnosis ©, along with thought & emotional management. The program also includes regression or time-line work.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
self-image is how you see yourself & your body image is part of this picture.
Many of us have self-image distortions, sometimes having to do with body image,
other times with parts of the personality that are perceived as flawed in some
way. Interactive Awareness & Self-Hypnosis help us to see these mind
programs through soft & gentle eyes. We can practice going back in time,
locating the origins & those involved with placing these inner programs in
place. Then we can begin the "weeding process."..........Elizabeth
Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
body image files are developed in early childhood & often contain perceptions that are
not only inaccurate, but often interfere with the achievement of current goals. This
audio program provides the listener with tools & techniques to enter the library of
the mind & to re-edit, or change old files with current or future goals, thereby
displacing old negative blocks. The subconscious mind
accepts these new images as the truth & will develop & motivate active plans to bring these to current
reality. When the subconscious mind is utilized properly, goals are reached with
less or no effort.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Motivation for
Exercise - Exploring Affirmations
"Each morning
we wake up to our daily life. Most of our activities are on automatic
pilot. You might not even remember doing some things, such as brushing
your teeth or driving to work. Automatic pilot is a trance state that can be
very useful for what is considered the habitual activities of life & exercise
needs to be one of these."......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed to take the listener to that state & through special imagery to assist in developing the inner tools for high level focus on memories of the motivational state, allowing the joining of these memories & transporting the images to the future time-line where they are programmed for enhancing exercise motivation. These types of affirmational/suggestions plant new neuronal pathways in the mind, enhancing the ability to "play" these new powerful images. Old images related to negativism, powerlessness, lack of initiative, powerlessness, weak goal images & the ability to formulate & work a goal action plan are diminished. The listener is able to hear new self-talk statements which the subconscious mind sees as "true." Areas of the audio program are "Interactive" thereby allowing the listener to make all personalized affirmational suggestions to the subconscious mind.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Self-Discipline for Exercise - Exploring Affirmations
"The more detailed your self-discipline, the higher your level of success. Appreciate & honor the fact that you are totally responsible for your success. Keep in mind that the sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focal point."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Affirmations are self-talk statements & best presented to the subconscious mind in the state of deep relaxation. These new messages with accompanying images are seen as "believable" by the subconscious mind & are placed in the proper subconscious library files.
This audio is designed to take the listener to that state & through special imagery to assist in developing the inner tools for high level focus on memories of the self-disciplined state, allowing the joining of these memories & transporting the images to the future time-line where they are programmed for enhancing self-discipline for exercise.
These types of affirmational/suggestions plant new neuronal pathways in the mind, enhancing the ability to "play" these new powerful images. Old images related to negativism, powerlessness, lack of initiative, powerlessness, weak goal images & the ability to formulate & work a goal action plan are diminished. The listener is able to hear new self-talk statements which the subconscious mind sees as "true." Areas of the audio program are "Interactive" thereby allowing the listener to make all personalized affirmational suggestions to the subconscious mind.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Self-Discipline for Weight Management - Exploring Affirmations
"Sometimes we forget
to review our habits, leaving them in their original automatic pilot mind files.
This is often true for our multi-faceted eating behaviors. We often talk
to ourselves in old negative ways, programming our mind for what we don't want.
Perhaps our self-discipline has slipped, or was never put in place. This is not
the way to go towards your goal. It's time to wake up & change the
recordings."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
These types of affirmational/suggestions plant new neuronal pathways in the mind, enhancing the ability to "play" these new powerful images. Old images related to negativism, powerlessness, lack of initiative, powerlessness, weak goal images & the ability to formulate & work a goal action plan are diminished. The listener is able to hear new self-talk statements which the subconscious mind sees as "true." Areas of the audio program are "Interactive" thereby allowing the listener to make all personalized affirmational suggestions to the subconscious mind.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions - $19.95
Motivation for Weight Loss - Exploring Affirmations
"Sometimes we forget
to review our habits, leaving them in their original automatic pilot mind files.
This is often true for our multi-faceted eating behaviors. We often talk
to ourselves in old negative ways, programming our mind for what we don't want.
This is not the way to go towards your goal. It's time to wake up & change
the recordings."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Affirmations are self-talk statements & best presented to the
subconscious mind below the alpha brain wave state. These new images are seen as
"believable" by the subconscious mind & are placed in the subconscious
library volumes having to do with the ability to enhance the ability to utilize specific
powerful memories with less effort.. This audio is designed to take the listener to
that state & through special imagery to assist in developing the inner tools for high
level focus on memories of the motivational state, allowing the joining of
these memories & transporting the images to the future time-line where they are
programmed for enhancing weight management motivation. These types of
affirmational/suggestions plant new neuronal pathways in the mind, enhancing the ability
to "play" these new powerful images. Old images related to negativism,
powerlessness, lack of initiative, powerlessness, weak goal images & the ability
to formulate & work a goal action plan are diminished. The listener is
able to hear new self-talk statements which the subconscious mind sees as
"true." Areas of the audio program are "Interactive" thereby
allowing the listener to make all personalized affirmational suggestions to the
subconscious mind.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Developing an Active Lifestyle
"In the practice of
Interactive Self-Hypnosis we work with organization units or pods. Pods
are like rooms that hold the particular discipline or activity. They are
particularly important to the management of living an active lifestyle.
When you set up & work with a pod, the subconscious mind senses this as a very
important event. What do your pods look like?.... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
"Most of us have a
tendency towards anxiety or even panic in some areas of life. Deciding to
stop smoking is definitely one of these! Sometimes we understand the fear
& other times not. Often it is illogical & we may even question our own
ability to own our own life & control outcomes. Although you may feel the
urge to run away & hide from the inevitable, the answer is to run towards it &
own it. Then you are free to manage both the physiological & emotional
aspects of it.".........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
No Butt's About
It....There is Nothing Good to Say About Smoking....This audio program is designed to
assist smokers in diminishing & finally ending this dangerous habit. There
are several keys to finalizing an addiction, whether it be smoking, alcohol,
drugs, food, etc. One is truly seeing it for what it is & what it
represents. This is accomplished through High Level Awareness coupled with
Interactive Self-Hypnosis. Each individual has different motivators &
de-motivators. These need to be programmed hypnotically. Next, one needs
to climb the steps to cessation & to do so in order. This means ordering
one's nutrition which is very connected to smoking cessation & the development
of stress. Next comes emotional & thought management, ending on the top
step of inner imagery or imaginology for managing moments when cravings or
negative motivators may have slipped through the cracks.
This audio can be utilized for any nicotine problem including tobacco chewing, cigar and/or pipe smoking.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3
Sessions $19.95
"We all have beliefs &
behavioral patterns that work for us & those that don't. It helps to image
these as plants, for plants know all seasons & they can, indeed, be helped to
grow & change. Some plants have both positive & negative aspects.
Others are completely positive & some completely negative. We spend a good
part of our day planning, planting & weeding & so it is with managing alcohol
cessation. It is a process that can be learned, producing plants of the
very highest caliber."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The program includes self-hypnotic suggestion for Lifestyle Change behaviors including enhancing High Level Nutrition, thought & emotion management, as well as imagery for programming social & behavioral change. Stress reduction is introduced in hypnotic imagery to enhance the self-esteem, self-image of the individual while providing empowerment to the inner self.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95 Coming Soon
"A very large percentage of
what resides inside of us, physical or emotional, tends to remain mysterious for
most of our lives, mainly because we are not attentive to the clues sent up by
the body & mind departments. We live behind a mask & we tend not to listen
to our body responses. Sometimes we awaken if the body part screams loud
enough, but even then, often little is done about the underlying cause.
It's time to stop this kind of self-managing & to move from our frightened
child-self, into our mature & powerful self.".........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN,
The program includes Lifestyle Change behaviors including enhancing High Level Nutrition, thought & emotion management, as well as imagery for programming social & behavioral change. Stress reduction is introduced in hypnotic imagery to enhance the self-esteem, self-image of the individual while providing empowerment to the inner self.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 -
Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
"We fail or fall when
we are not paying close attention or when our motivators are out of line.
This is all correctable. When we fall off the bicycle, we learn to get up &
pedal forward. The practice of Interactive Self-Hypnosis helps us to work
where the action is, right in the middle of the moment. It's amazing what
we can build when we have the right tools.".....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed to assist
the listener in developing the tools of persistence, perseverance & other inner
strengths to keep a recovery program in process. Many of us tend to be
disorganized, especially if we have been caught up & had managed our life
through addiction. Interactive Self-hypnosis provides the tools for inner
organization & the images we design not only get us back on the bicycle, but
help to improve the quality of our peddling. Managing addiction is a
process that can change one's life in many different areas, opening doors that
were previously locked shut by the addiction. So, in a strange way,
addiction recovery can be looked upon as a life gift.
This program includes deep relaxation, inner relaxation programming, imagery for recovery, managing emotions, thought processes & designing images for individualized needs. Also includes Lifestyle Change behaviors including high level nutrition, exercise & self-responsibility.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - $19.95 Coming Soon
Managing the Addictive Personality
"As we learn to look
with soft eyes, it is clear that each experience carries with it, the gift of
knowledge. We tend to be asleep more than awake. Some of this is
because of our tendency towards addiction & what brought us to this place.
If we practice waking up more frequently, the number of experiences will mount.
Since each one carries the gift of knowledge, we look to stay awake as much as
possible, working to unravel our past experiences along with the new. This is
how we create a Higher Self."...........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 -
Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
"Lifestyle changes needed
for high level health & performance are like taking a journey. First comes
the decision, then the commitment to the journey, followed by the planning.
And then, the unfolding of experiences. We enjoy some parts & detest
others, but sit in amazement as the unexpected takes on a life of it's own.
This is the gift of working with Interactive Self-Hypnosis & the mind/body
connection."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed to re-program the subconscious mind to decrease the intake of caffeine & also to motivate the individual to take a look at all lifestyle behaviors linked to caffeine intake. The audio presents stress management, nutritional guidelines, as well as Interactive Self-Hypnotic techniques to assist the individual in managing the cravings for this substance, as well as decreasing the problems of withdrawal.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 -
Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
"Living in disorder or
addiction is like existing in a room without air or light. It's time to
change some things & this is one of them. It doesn't matter how many times
you have failed in the past, or how bad things seem on the surface. You
hold the power to succeed if you are willing to apply this knowledge
consistently. You hold the power to manage your emotions if you choose to
do so. Your motivation will increase as you offer "hot desire" images to
your subconscious mind."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Reducing Prescription Drug Use
Next, the
individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script, change the early
scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes. The subconscious
mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the subconscious mind will
work to change the old behaviors. The audio also includes instructions for deep relaxation,
stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal setting. This audio is
"interactive" allowing the listener to program parts of the audio to meet
personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
3 Sessions $19.95
Reducing Non-Prescription or Recreational Drug Use
"Lifestyle changes needed
for high level health & performance are like taking a journey. First comes
the decision, then the commitment to the journey, followed by the planning.
And then, the unfolding of experiences. We enjoy some parts & detest
others, but sit in amazement as the unexpected takes on a life of it's own.
This is the gift of working with Interactive Self-Hypnosis & the mind/body
connection."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3
Sessions $19.95
"Living in disorder or
addiction is like existing in a room without air or light. It's time to
change things. Your obstacles will always look large or small depending on
your mindset at the moment. As you learn to work with your very own
thoughts & emotions, you can change your mindset right in the moment, taking you
away from addiction, into the "now" & then onto the path where your high
self-image & self-esteem are waiting to greet you with gifts."........Elizabeth
Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
3 Sessions $19.95
"Pinpointing your
current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course.
Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the
chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it.
Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of
your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your balance?
.......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the planning, shopping, preparing & nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by theirl ean body mass & that of their family members, help to build a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - $19.95 Coming Soon
Managing TV/Computer Addiction
"The quality of our
life is determined by how we spend our time & how aware we are of what we are
doing. Many of us do not utilize our time well, filling it with images
that either aren't healthy or not taking us where we truly want to go.
Some of us only "window-shop" in life & actually live through the lives of
others, instead of deciding what we want & then building our own goals.
Remember, you become your thought processes. Watch your time carefully &
stay away from mental & emotional junk food.".........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN,
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - $19.95 Coming Soon
"When working with
habits such as nail biting, we have to plan in very special ways. We need
information about ourselves that may not be in our current memory bank.
These memories are waiting for you in your subconscious mind library. These are
the keys that will open the door for you to stop this destructive habit & to
build your self-image & self-esteem to the levels you truly
deserve."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is
designed for the individual working to recover from the habit of nail biting,
utilizing mindbody tools & techniques including thought & emotional management
& specific imagery designed to decrease desire for unhealthy behaviors & to
increase positive goals & outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener
can observe the undesired behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script,
the scenes leading up to the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought
processes, etc. Next, the individual can enter the "production", re-edit
the script, change the early scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the
The subconscious mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired
outcome, the subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes
instructions for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy
goal setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program
parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 -
Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Skin Picking for Adults
"As you get to know
yourself better & clear your "inner environment" of clutter, you can organize
your world & your life. Your mind & body will then release your need to
skin pick. When working with habits such as skin picking, we have to plan
& program our subconscious minds in very special ways. We need to be
gentle & forgiving. We need to see what we want in our mind's eye & to
provide our body & mind with what it needs for physiological & emotional
balance.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed for the individual
working to recover from the habit of skin picking, utilizing mindbody tools &
techniques including thought & emotional management & specific imagery designed to
decrease desire for unhealthy behaviors & to increase positive goals &
outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the undesired
behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes leading up to
the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes, etc. Next,
the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script, change the early
scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious
mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the subconscious mind will
work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions for deep relaxation,
stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal setting. This audio is
"interactive" allowing the listener to program parts of the audio to meet
personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3
Sessions $19.95
- Stop Hair Pulling & Twisting for Adults
"As you get to
know yourself better & clear your "inner environment" of clutter, you can
organize your world & your life. Your mind & body will then release your
need to pull & twist your hair. When working with habits such as hair
pulling, we have to plan & program our subconscious minds in very special ways.
We need to be gentle & forgiving. We need to see what we want in our
mind's eye & to provide our body & mind with what it needs for physiological &
emotional balance.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed
for the individual working to recover from the habit of hair pulling/twisting,
utilizing mindbody tools & techniques including thought & emotional management
& specific imagery designed to decrease desire for unhealthy behaviors & to
increase positive goals & outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener
can observe the undesired behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script,
the scenes leading up to the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought
processes, etc. Next, the individual can enter the "production", re-edit
the script, change the early scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the
The subconscious mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired
outcome, the subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes
instructions for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy
goal setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program
parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 -
Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95
Stop Knuckle Cracking for
"Most of us
tend to live in a mess or utter confusion. Few of us truly know where we
are & for those of us who do, it is often very unsettling, even frightening.
Most likely you can identify with this statement. This type of living can
be dangerous as well, often leading to stress-related diseases & chronic habits
such as knuckle cracking, thereby placing both physiological stress on areas of
the body, as well as emotional stress on the body & mind as a whole. It's
time to wake up to this habit & to give your body the gift of proper stress
management, taking it towards high level health.".......
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed for the
individual working to recover from the habit of knuckle cracking, utilizing mindbody
tools & techniques including thought & emotional management & specific imagery
designed to decrease desire for unhealthy behaviors & to increase positive goals &
outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the undesired
behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes leading up to
the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes, etc. Next,
the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script, change the early
scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious
mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the subconscious mind will
work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions for deep relaxation,
stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal setting. This audio is
"interactive" allowing the listener to program parts of the audio to meet
personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - Coming Soon
"Most of us
tend to live in a mess or utter confusion. Few of us truly know where we
are & for those of us who do, it is often very unsettling, even frightening.
Most likely you can identify with this statement. This type of living can
be dangerous as well, often leading to stress-related diseases & chronic habits
such as lip biting, thereby placing both physiological stress on areas of the
body, as well as emotional stress on the body & mind as a whole. It's time
to wake up to this habit & to give your body the gift of proper stress
management, taking it towards high level health.".......
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed for the individual
working to recover from the habit of lip biting, utilizing mindbody tools &
techniques including thought & emotional management & specific imagery designed to
decrease desire for unhealthy behaviors & to increase positive goals &
outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the undesired
behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes leading up to
the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes, etc. Next,
the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script, change the early
scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious
mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the subconscious mind will
work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions for deep relaxation,
stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal setting. This audio is
"interactive" allowing the listener to program parts of the audio to meet
personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3
Sessions $19.95
"We tend to be
complicated beings, but it is extremely worthwhile to get to know ourselves
better. To begin, do know that whatever we notice is good. This
awareness, even though it may be small, means that we are waking up & the
subconscious mind intuitively knows that we are ready to get on with our inner
detective work. All addictions are about releasing stress & wanting to
feel better. In this particular addiction, the self-image & self-esteem
are searching for that release, as well as a level of happiness & comfort that
simply cannot be found here. However, you already have what you need.
It's located in your own subconscious mind & is readily available through your
mind's eye.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed for the
individual working to recover from shopping compulsion, utilizing mindbody tools
& techniques including thought & emotional management & specific imagery
designed to decrease desire for unhealthy behaviors & to increase positive goals &
outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the undesired
behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes leading up to
the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes, etc. Next,
the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script, change the early
scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious
mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the subconscious mind will
work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions for deep relaxation,
stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal setting. This audio is
"interactive" allowing the listener to program parts of the audio to meet
personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3
Sessions $19.95
"There is much
to learn from inner self-observation & inner mind chatter. You know these
as your thoughts, but they are much more than that. Each thought moment
fragment is an actual subconscious mind goal program. Your subconscious
mind sees & hears everything, as if it were true & will take you towards it.
This is great, as long as you are playing thought programs about things you
want, but if you are not, you are going to get exactly what you don't want & you
are going to get a big dose of it."............Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
audio is designed for the individual working to recover from fear of small or
narrow spaces, utilizing mindbody tools & techniques including thought &
emotional management & specific imagery designed to decrease uncomfortable
fear-based thought processes & to increase positive
goals & outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the
undesired behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes
leading up to the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes,
etc. Next, the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script,
change the early scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the
subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions
for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal
setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program
parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 -Download NOW - 2
Sessions $19.95
"Just imagine how much power you have given to your emotions over the years & still tend to give! Think about today. Can you locate any moment or group of moments forming a remembered experience when your emotional children were in charge & not your mature, balanced self? Sit back & view this happening on your mind screen? How would you rate this production? Is this the way you choose to experience your life?..... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed for the individual who has a tendency towards social anxiety and/or shyness as emotions of choice.. Emotions are clusters of chemicals that can either diminish or enhance ideal mindbody states. Most of us harbor negative thought patterns both consciously and subconsciously, but for some, these tendencies can interfere tremendously with the quality of life..
This audio presents tools & techniques for managing emotions are all levels through Awareness Meditation & Interactive Self-Hypnosis. The subconscious mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
"There is much
to learn from inner self-observation & inner mind chatter. You know these
as your thoughts, but they are much more than that. Each thought moment
fragment is an actual subconscious mind goal program. Your subconscious
mind sees & hears everything, as if it were true & your body & mind will respond
"as if" it were truly happening. This is great, as long as you are playing
thought programs about things you want, but if you are not, you are going to get
exactly what you don't want & you are going to get a big dose of it. It's time
to change now & to begin to enjoy all the technological advances that life has
given us."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed for the
individual working to recover from fear of flying, utilizing mindbody tools &
techniques including thought & emotional management & specific imagery designed to
decrease uncomfortable fear-based thought processes & to increase positive goals &
outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the undesired
behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes leading up to
the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes, etc Next,
the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script, change the early
scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious
mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the subconscious mind will
work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions for deep relaxation,
stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal setting. This audio is
"interactive" allowing the listener to program parts of the audio to meet
personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
3 Sessions $19.95
"There is much
to learn from inner self-observation & inner mind chatter. You know these
as your thoughts, but they are much more than that. Each thought moment
fragment is an actual subconscious mind goal program. Your subconscious
mind sees & hears everything, as if it were true & will take you towards it.
This is great, as long as you are playing thought programs about things you
want, but if you are not, you are going to get exactly what you don't want & you
are going to get a big dose of it. The mind & body are connected & when
your thoughts are fear based, you are going to produce fear-based chemicals &
even more frightening images. You can change all of this, simply by
choice. Not only will your experience be more enjoyable, but your body will
thank you for turning off those chemicals that place you in the flight & fright
mode."............Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
audio is designed for the individual working to manage fear of dentist's &
dental procedure, utilizing mindbody tools & techniques including
thought & emotional management & specific imagery designed to decrease
uncomfortable fear-based thought processes & to increase positive
goals & outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the
undesired behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes
leading up to the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes,
etc. Next, the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script,
change the early scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious mind works backwards.
Once seeing the desired outcome, the
subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions
for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal
setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program
parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW
- 3 Sessions $19.95
Fear of Driving
"There is much to
learn from inner self-observation & inner mind chatter. You know these as
your thoughts, but they are much more than that. Each thought moment
fragment is an actual subconscious mind goal program. Your subconscious
mind sees & hears everything, as if it were true & your body & mind will respond
"as if" it were truly happening. This is great, as long as you are playing
thought programs about things you want, but if you are not, you are going to get
exactly what you don't want & you are going to get a big dose of it. It's time
to change now & to begin to enjoy all the technological advances that life has
given us."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed for
the individual working to recover from fear of driving, utilizing mindbody tools
& techniques including thought & emotional management & specific imagery
designed to decrease uncomfortable fear-based thought processes & to increase positive
goals & outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the
undesired behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes
leading up to the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes,
etc. Next, the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script,
change the early scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the
subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions
for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal
setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program
parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
3 Sessions $19.95
"There is much to learn from inner self-observation & inner mind chatter. You know these as your thoughts, but they are much more than that. Each thought moment fragment is an actual subconscious mind goal program. Your subconscious mind sees & hears everything, as if it were true & your body & mind will respond "as if" it were truly happening. This is great, as long as you are playing thought programs about things you want, but if you are not, you are going to get exactly what you don't want & you are going to get a big dose of it. It's time to change now & to begin to enjoy life free from irrational fear-based thoughts."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed
for the individual working to recover from fear of heights, utilizing mindbody tools
& techniques including thought & emotional management & specific imagery
designed to decrease uncomfortable fear-based thought processes & to increase positive
goals & outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the
undesired behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes
leading up to the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes,
etc. Next, the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script,
change the early scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the
subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions
for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal
setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program
parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95 COMING SOON
"There is much to learn from inner self-observation & inner mind chatter. You know these as your thoughts, but they are much more than that. Each thought moment fragment is an actual subconscious mind goal program. Your subconscious mind sees & hears everything, as if it were true & your body & mind will respond "as if" it were truly happening. This is great, as long as you are playing thought programs about things you want, but if you are not, you are going to get exactly what you don't want & you are going to get a big dose of it. It's time to change now & to begin to enjoy life free from irrational fear-based thoughts."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Many of us fear conflicts, but that's because we simply don't understand what they are & how to manage them. Conflicts are inevitable, as long as you are willing or interested in standing up for what you think are your rights or beliefs. As you explore this program you will come to realize that you have been developing conflict resolution skills for a very long time....some actually right from the time you were an infant.
This program is designed to open your eyes about the reality of conflicts & to remove the negative thoughts & emotions that may be connected to the idea of disagreeing & presenting your own opinions. You will be working with a very special kind of Heightened Awareness & Interactive Self-Hypnosis practice that will help you to relax, listen well, formulate your own ideas & opinions, while managing your thoughts & connected emotions.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
3 Sessions $19.95
Paruresis - Bashful
Bladder Anxiety
"There is much
to learn from inner self-observation & inner mind chatter. You know these
as your thoughts, but they are much more than that. Each thought moment
fragment is an actual subconscious mind goal program. Your subconscious
mind sees & hears everything, as if it were true & your body & mind will respond
"as if" it were truly happening. This is great, as long as you are playing
thought programs about things you want, but if you are not, you are going to get
exactly what you don't want & you are going to get a big dose of it. It's time
to change now & to begin to enjoy life free from irrational fear-based
thoughts."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
audio is designed for the individual working to recover from fear of urinating
in away from home, in public toilets & on moving vehicles, utilizing
mindbody tools & techniques including thought & emotional management
& specific imagery designed to decrease uncomfortable fear-based thought
processes & to increase positive
goals & outcomes. In the state of deep relaxation the listener can observe the
undesired behaviors as the writer/producer/director, studying the script, the scenes
leading up to the undesired behavior, the involved emotional states, thought processes,
etc. Next, the individual can enter the "production", re-edit the script,
change the early scenes, players, emotions, thoughts & of course, the outcomes.
The subconscious mind works backwards. Once seeing the desired outcome, the
subconscious mind will work to change the old behaviors. Audio includes instructions
for deep relaxation, stress management, mental biofeedback, & healthy goal
setting. This audio is "interactive" allowing the listener to program
parts of the audio to meet personalized needs.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions $19.95 COMING SOON
Enhanced Sexual
Performance for Women
"We are all
creative beings & what we think is what we get. Most of us are not in
touch with our emotions, especially the subtle ones. emotions can present
themselves in a clear fashion, making them easier to identify or name, or they
can be muted. Some trigger big physical sensations, while others tend to play
under the surface, but they are there if you look. Some are regulars &
play on automatic pilot, such as in love-making. Others are new to a
particular experience, often surprising us with their outbursts & connected
thought patterns. As you begin to notice the emotions you entertain, you
can choose to let them stay or have them leave. Interactive Self-Hypnosis
will show you the way".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
self hypnosis audio program is designed to assist you in programming your mind
for a positive & enjoyable sexual experience through deep relaxation,
future-paced subconscious programs of positive expectation, emotional &
thought management. In our stress-filled lives it is often difficult to
simply turn off the mind from the day's activities & to then move into the
mode of intimacy & sexual performance. This holds true for both men
& women.. Self-hypnotic tools allow for this transition through
releasing the body of stored stress & then making it ready for sexual
release. Emotions that block desire can be motivated with special imagery to
deflate & new emotions of excitement & positive expectation can be
brought forward. Please know this is not an X-rated audio, but one based on
medical & psychological workings of the body.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
3 Sessions $19.95
Enhanced Sexual Performance for Men
"We are all
creative beings & what we think is what we get. Most of us are not in
touch with our emotions, especially the subtle ones. emotions can present
themselves in a clear fashion, making them easier to identify or name, or they
can be muted. Some trigger big physical sensations, while others tend to play
under the surface, but they are there if you look. Some are regulars &
play on automatic pilot, such as in love-making. Others are new to a
particular experience, often surprising us with their outbursts & connected
thought patterns. As you begin to notice the emotions you entertain, you
can choose to let them stay or have them leave. Interactive Self-Hypnosis
will show you the way".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
self hypnosis audio program is designed to assist you in programming your mind
for a positive & enjoyable sexual experience through deep relaxation,
future-paced subconscious programs of positive expectation, emotional &
thought management. In our stress-filled lives it is often difficult to
simply turn off the mind from the day's activities & to then move into the
mode of intimacy & sexual performance. This holds true for both men
& women.. Self-hypnotic tools allow for this transition through
releasing the body of stored stress & then making it ready for sexual
release. Emotions that block desire can be motivated with special imagery to
deflate & new emotions of excitement & positive expectation can be
brought forward. Please know this is not an X-rated audio, but one based on
medical & psychological workings of the body.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2 Sessions $19.95 COMING SOON
"Every moment
counts. The tide of opportunity comes to everyone. Either we come to
understand this or we don't. If we do, we stand the highest chance of
releasing killer stress & being free of addiction. We can then walk
towards healthy outcomes. If we don't come to understand this, we go in
the opposite direction. Few negative outcomes happen overnight. We
work on them moment to moment. Think about the direction in which you are
heading. Remember, no one gets a free ride on the bus of Lifestyle
decisions."..........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Most of us
produce & store high levels of stress chemicals all day long. A very large
percentage of disease states are stress-related, some even caused directly by the stress
connection. We have many ways to manage stress & when all of them are
integrated, we stand the best chance of living a high level of health.
These include High Level Nutrition, exercise, Awareness Meditation, Mental
Biofeedback & Interactive Self-Hypnosis for managing thoughts & emotions, as
well as programming Lifestyle Changes & positive outcomes.
This audio presents conscious & subconscious reprogramming for diminishing the production of stress hormones including insulin, adrenaline & cortisol. Listeners will work to bring their body & mind into healthy balance.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
2 Sessions $19.95
"Life is a marathon & not a short sprint. It is indeed possible to reverse or slow the aging process by carefully taking care of your prize Yes, we are born with a genetic wallpaper; tendencies towards certain diseases that can become chronic or cut life short. However, if you choose to make the correct decisions about your self-care & do these over & over, you can turn things around. This is nothing new. Look around & your will find those who have chosen to do this, as well as many others who prefer to stay lazy or lost. The choice is up to you.....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Most of us produce & store high levels of stress chemicals all day long that take the body towards chronic & deadly diseases & early aging. Managing stress with addictions places a huge part on aging the body prematurely. We need to be awake & aware of both our inner & outer stressors, as well as the needs of our body cells. If we don't care for them, no one else can. It's really as simple as that. Once you know what to do, you must stay highly committed to the process.
We have many ways to manage stress & when all of them are integrated, we stand the best chance of living a high level of health. These include High Level Nutrition, avoiding carcinogens & addictive substances, exercise, Awareness Meditation, Mental Biofeedback & Interactive Self-Hypnosis for managing thoughts & emotions, as well as programming Lifestyle Changes & positive outcomes. This program is designed to assist you in ordering these priorities.
This audio presents conscious & subconscious reprogramming for diminishing the production of stress hormones including insulin, adrenaline & cortisol. Listeners will work to bring their body & mind into healthy balance.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2 Sessions $19.95
"What does it take to be & stay healthy? Unfortunately few people think in this way. It's quite obvious if you just look around. How many people can you find with unhealthy shopping carts or practicing some sort of addiction? How many people can you find that are involved in negative thinking or involved in the practice of negative emotions? How many people are engaging with society in a giving & compassionate way? There are literally hundreds of ways to practice "perfect health" & those that do reap the rewards. And, it's all free for the taking... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
We all have the opportunity to practice perfect health & to change many of our outcomes. There are hundreds of ways to do this, but unfortunately most of us live on auto-pilot, continuing to practice old negative mind & body programs that take us towards disease instead of health. Our mind & body is continually involved in this process, although few of us ever think about this. It's almost as if we were keen on inviting poor health into our lives. Why is this?
This program is about becoming aware, implementing change & following through with persistence & consistency. It's about staying self-disciplined & motivated in relation to the things that count. It's about managing stress without getting involved with dangerous addictions. It's about eating a healthy diet & caring about what we put in our body. It's about being aware of the mind & body connection & respecting our emotions as we care for them in unique way. It's about waking up!
This program addresses the many ways to manage stress & when all of them are integrated, we stand the best chance of living a high level of health. These include High Level Nutrition, avoiding carcinogens & addictive substances, exercise, Awareness Meditation, Mental Biofeedback & Interactive Self-Hypnosis for managing thoughts & emotions, as well as programming Lifestyle Changes & positive outcomes. This program is designed to assist you in ordering these priorities.
This audio presents conscious & subconscious reprogramming for diminishing the production of stress hormones including insulin, adrenaline & cortisol. Listeners will work to bring their body & mind into healthy balance.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - $19.95 COMING SOON
Preparing for
Bariatric Surgery - Pre & Post Operative Success - 2 CD or mp3 Program
This program is designed to assist the individual who is preparing to have bariatric surgery. The focus of the first CD or mp3 is getting ready, both physically & emotionally. The second part of the program is about carrying new behaviors forward; making them true lifestyle changes. Obesity is often the result of years of disorderly eating. This could include emotional &/or compulsive patterns. For long term success, the individual will need to make many changes, some big & many small. Staying motivated & persistent are keys to this success. This program will help to plant the many seeds, while bringing deep relaxation & inner organization to the getting well process.
This audio includes specialized stress management imagery, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - $39.95 COMING SOON
© 2013 International Medical Health Writers & Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute