Kids Mind & Body Tools
Becoming Aware for Mature Kids
"In the
practice of Interactive Self-Hypnosis, we alter our internal world. By
utilizing our imagination in special ways, we stir feelings, altering behavior &
attitudes. When you change how you think, visualize & imagine things to
be, your feelings & behaviors begin to change."......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN,
"What you think is what you get." While
most of us can agree with this, few of us know how to capture & then change the
actual thoughts. This is a learned skill called Heightened Awareness & is
key to changing anything & everything.
This program is designed to assist you in the development awareness tools. These are also known as tools of focus, flow & flexibility. This is how the mind works when it is in sync. This particular program includes awareness practice for thoughts, body sensations & emotions, presenting you with images for diminishing what is not wanted & enhancing or inviting in what is desired. You will be learning to work with powerful Interactive Self-Hypnotic tools & Self-Hypnosis in the moment.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2
Sessions $19.95
Managing Emotions
for Mature Kids
"The subconscious mind is filled with
memories, each one having been filtered through particular emotional states & so
those memories have emotional codes embedded on them.".......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
"Manage your emotions or they will manage
you." I'm sure most of us would be willing to agree with that well-known
quote.In addition, emotional management is at the heart of
managing the functioning of the mind & body, thereby allowing the programming of positive
This program trains the mind into emotional state awareness, giving you the power to either diminish or enhance the particular emotion that has presented itself on automatic pilot. Emotional management is the key to all stress related problems, including addictions. In addition, if you want to perform at high levels & develop you innate creativity, this is the route you will want to take.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2
Sessions $19.95
Diminishing Negative Emotions for Mature Kids
can either make us or break us. Once we learn how to identify & catch the
emotion, then we can decide what to do with it. Unfortunately, most of us
live on automatic pilot & feel we have no choice in the matter. Nothing
could be further from the truth."......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
are clusters of chemicals that can either diminish or enhance ideal mind & body states.
Most of us tend to harbor negative thought patterns both consciously & subconsciously.
We also tend to forget that we have powerful positive emotional states or
clusters as well, just waiting in the wings to bring our body to a healthier
This audio presents tools & techniques for managing emotions at all levels through Awareness Meditation & Interactive Self-Hypnosis. As you learn to manage your emotional "visitors", you will be able to utilize ill-spent energy for positive outcomes.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2
Sessions $19.95
Managing Thoughts for Mature Kids
your thoughts & change your outcomes. Once we learn how to identify how we
think, then we can decide what to edit in our mind programs. Thoughts &
connecting emotions are the key ingredients to high level health & performance.
Unfortunately, most of us live on automatic pilot & feel we have no choice in
the matter. Nothing could be further from the truth."......Elizabeth
Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This program presents tools &
techniques for managing the thought process, from slowing down "runaway brain
syndrome" to developing an inner filing system for thought management.
As the listener, you will learn to
diminish thoughts that interfere with goal progress, including obsessive thought
patterns. You will also learn to enhance thought processes that accelerate growth &
development. All techniques are presented in Interactive Self-Hypnosis for optimum
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 -
Download NOW - 3 Sessions - $19.95
Managing Stress
for Mature Kids
"The word "stress" is often thrown around
without much thought. This is very unfortunate because it's believed that
60-90% of disease processes are connected to chronic stress chemical production.
As we learn to identify &
then release our most common stress reactions, we flow towards a higher level of
health."...Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Most of us produce & store high levels of stress chemicals all day long This program presents conscious & subconscious reprogramming for diminishing the production of stress hormones including adrenaline & cortisol. Learn to bring your body systems into balance with Awareness Meditation, Mental Biofeedback & Interactive Self-Hypnosis.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 3 Sessions - $19.95
Mental Biofeedback - Body Scanning for Mature Kids
"We have more control over our body than we
think we do. Unfortunately, most of us live on automatic pilot, paying
little or no attention to our many body departments, that is until loud
screamers interrupt us."....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
These are two very powerful tools for
re-programming the mind to release stress chemicals at subtle levels thereby increasing
the ability to focus & release. This is the basis of all mind & body techniques
& is invaluable. These tools are frequently utilized for sports performance, pain management & all
self-hypnosis work. The techniques are designed to awaken us, thereby
helping the mind to be aware of the pathways to small muscle
groups, instructing those groups to open & release stored stress chemicals.
In addition, the mind is trained to stay at the alpha state where healing chemicals are produced.
Breathing patterns begin to change, helping to normalize all body functions.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW -
3 Sessions - $19.95
Enhancing Focus
for Mature Kids
"Most of us tend to sleep-walk through life.
Unfortunately, this can interfere with our level of health & performance.
Keep in mind that concentration is one of our most powerful mind & body
tools."....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This self-hypnosis imagery program is designed to assist you in
improving the mindset of improved focus ability; being able to see anything &
everything very clearly..just like using a laser light...right on target. Mindsets on
this audio are envisioned as "power keys" that open doors. Behind those
doors are solutions..answers for achieving goals. As you open more doors you will
see more possibilities & more solutions.
During the focus experience your whole body, mind & consciousness become ordered & in balance. Feelings of chaos, indecision & anxiety disappear & your goals become clarified & clear. Through interactive self-hypnosis & specially designed imagery you will visit the workshop of your mind where you will be instructed on re-programming your life experiences through the filter of focus. You will also be able to visit old experiences that might benefit from re-editing, allowing your subconscious mind to assist you in functioning at higher levels than before. This program includes stress management, awareness training & mental biofeedback.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2 Sessions $19.95
Creating Flow
for Mature Kids
"When your physical & mental resources are
focused, your power to solve problems multiplies tremendously. You can
then flow from one area to another & then re-enter your focus."....Elizabeth
Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This self-hypnosis imagery program is designed to assist
you in creating more flow in your daily experiences. In the state of flow ,
everyday experience becomes a moment by moment opportunity for joy &
self-fulfillment. Flow is a feeling of complete involvement with what you are
doing. During the flow experience your whole body, mind & consciousness
become ordered, focused & in balance. Feelings of chaos, indecision &
anxiety disappear & your goals become clarified & clear.
Through interactive self-hypnosis & specially designed imagery you will visit the workshop of your mind where you will be instructed on re-programming your life experiences through the filter of flow. You will also be able to visit old experiences that might benefit from re-editing, allowing your subconscious mind to assist you in functioning at higher levels than before. This program includes stress management, awareness training & mental biofeedback.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2 Sessions $19.95
Enhanced Focus & Flow for Mature Kids
"When your physical & mental resources are
focused, your power to solve problems multiplies tremendously. You can
then flow from one area to another & then re-enter your focus. And just
like with anything else, the more you practice, the better you get.....Elizabeth
Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This self-hypnosis imagery program is designed
for the individual looking to work with focus & flow at higher levels.
Focus is all about concentrating & being able to see anything &
everything very clearly..just like using a laser light...right on target.
When flow is added to the mix, one is able to let go of the focus & then to move
to another area, where deep focus in now available again. This is very
valuable in our world of multi-tasking, as well as in sports performance.
Mindsets on this program are envisioned as "power keys" that open doors. Behind those doors are solutions..answers for achieving goals. As you open more doors you will see more possibilities & more solutions. During the focus experience your whole body, mind & consciousness become ordered & in balance. Feelings of chaos, indecision & anxiety disappear & your goals become clarified & clear. Through interactive self-hypnosis & specially designed imagery you will visit the workshop of your mind where you will be instructed on re-programming your life experiences through the filter of focus. You will also be able to visit old experiences that might benefit from re-editing, allowing your subconscious mind to assist you in functioning at higher levels than before. The program also includes stress management, awareness training & mental biofeedback.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2 Sessions $19.95
Deep Relaxation for Mature Kids
"We have
more control over our body than we think we do. Unfortunately, most of us
live on automatic pilot, paying little or no attention to our many body
departments, that is until loud screamers interrupt us."....Elizabeth Bohorquez,
RN, C.Ht
program is designed to assist the listener in programming the subconscious mind to release
stress chemicals & tension automatically. Specific imagery is presented for
contacting neuronal pathways between the brain & small muscle groups & inviting them
to open. This work is the basis of pain management, as well as that of Focus,
Memory & High Level Performance.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
mp3 - Download NOW - 2
Sessions $19.95
© 2013 International Medical Health Writers & Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute